Centennial School PAC Needs Members!

Centennial School has had a Parent Advisory Council for as long as I can remember. Prior to my time as principal, I helped them out with movie nights and fund raisers. During my eight years as principal, I have had the pleasure of working with a highly functional, extremely active PAC. They have supported school initiatives, raising funds through events that benefitted both the school and community: movie nights, sign workshops, a colour run, the Big Rig Gig, family quiz night, dances.

PAC has also given voice to parents, asking questions and bringing concerns to the attention of school administration.

We are at risk of having to dissolve our PAC at the end of this school year. It has always been difficult to get people to join PAC or attend meetings – people are busy and it’s one more obligation – but we’ve always been able to at least fill our executive.

A Parent Advisory Committee can be as busy as the members choose to make it. It’s OK for a PAC to be a small commitment. The primary purpose of a Parent Advisory Council is to work with the principal and school staff to contribute parent and community concerns and perspectives on issues related to the school. That’s it. The fundraising, community activities, staff appreciation, and support of school activities that are the hallmark of our current PAC are wonderful and appreciated, but those things are extras. Right now, we’d just like for our PAC to continue into 2024-2025!

There are three more PAC meetings this year: January 10th, March 13th, and May 8th. Please consider coming out to one or all of them to see what they’re about. In order to continue to have a PAC, we need at least four people to join. You could be one of those four!