Homework Club

After second term parent-teacher meetings, a few teachers reported that a recurring theme in discussions with parents was homework. Some parents were having difficulty getting their kids into the homework routine or were not sure how to help them with their homework. Mrs. Klemchuk wondered if offering an after-school homework club would help.

It did.

Students in grades 3-6 have been invited to stay after school for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays in April and May. As long as we have a note in the agenda book giving permission and letting us know how the student is getting home at 4:30, kids can come to as many or as few Homework Clubs as they want.

Mrs. Lucci’s is providing snacks for the program. Everyone is a bit hungry after school, but lots of kids also like to graze while they work! We have teachers and EAs and high school students who volunteer their time to help kids who need help, and we’re really good at knowing what good things to work on would be when we hear, “I don’t have any homework.”

Our first day of Homework Club saw only five students attend. Since then, we’re seeing about 20 students come to each one! It is certainly a success! We’ll take a break from it in June but then we’ll bring it back in September.

Feel free to give the school a call if there’s anything else you’d like to know about Homework Club.