Helping Your Anxious Child Learning Group
- What
- Helping Your Anxious Child Learning Group
- When
- 1/31/2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
This is the second day of the Helping Your Anxious Child Learning Group.
When? 9:00 – 10:00 am on January 18th and January 31st.
Follow-up dates to be determined at the first meeting.
Who? Any Centennial parent! It’s geared toward parents of kids who have anxiety.
Where? Centennial School Room 5
Cost? Free! In fact, better than free: we’ll provide coffee and muffins and we’ll also provide
parents with a copy of the Helping Your Anxious Child book Helping Your Anxious
Facilitator: Michelle Kanaski, Mental Health Worker for Centennial School
To register, contact Centennial School at 204-345-2462 or e-mail [email protected]
Sponsored by Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre