Talent Development » Talent Development

Talent Development

Talent Development
Centennial's Talent Development teachers work in cooperation with classroom teachers to identify and develop student talent. Talent Development opportunities are provided for the whole school, for whole classes, for select groups, and for individual students.
Our Enrichment Clusters day is an example of whole school talent development. Students are polled to identify interests and abilities and then staff and community members are tapped to lead groups of students in their preferred activities. We are extremely gratefully to our PAC for their financial support of Enrichment Clusters and to our many volunteers who come in to share their talents and interests with our students.
During the past couple school years, notable Talent Development opportunities included our Spring and Winter Concerts, a da Vinci themed escape room developed and run by a group of grade 3/4 students, our Lead Learners group, and research projects created by a group of grade 5/6 students who then presented them for a variety of audiences.