Teaching Through Art

You know what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words. Art can be a powerful medium for sending a message and for making people think.
You've probably seen Canadian artist Benjamin Von Wong's three story tall Turn Off the Plastic Tap installation. A group of our Nature Warriors were inspired by that to create their own artwork. You'll see it as soon as you walk through our front doors! The point of the piece is to make us think about reducing the amount of single-use plastics that we consume.
Right next to this piece of art, is a painting in progress. Student artist Hailey Wares has designed and is painting a medicine wheel themed wall to surround a medicine wheel quilt that we were gifted earlier in the year. As we learn more about incorporating Indigenous perspectives into our teaching, it's nice to have a permanent art display - created by a gifted Centennial artist - to mark the path we're on.