Intramural Sports » Intramural Sports

Intramural Sports

Centennial School offers students a wide variety of intramural athletics to play over lunch hours and at recess breaks. We also offer some sports which allow for students to compete against other schools within Sunrise School Division.
Cross Country
We kick off each year training grades 3 - 6 students to compete in the Sunrise School Division's Cross Country Meets. In 2023-24, both grades 3-5 and 5/6 teams attended meets. Centennial's runners performed very well, with many of our students placing in the top 10 and several students speeding to first place finishes. Most importantly, all of our runners were eminently coachable, trained hard, ran a focused race, and were excellent representatives of our school.
Our grade 6 students have the opportunity each year to try out for our badminton team. Our 2023-24 team played excellently in the zones and several students went on to compete in the SAC crossover tournament. Most importantly, all of our players represented our school well as solid athletes and good sports.
Track & Field
All of our grades 5 and 6 students compete in our local track meet. Those who place go on to compete in the Sunrise School Division Track Meet. Our grade 6 team proudly brought home the Sunrise School Division banner in 2023-24. The 2023-24 year was the first year that a grade 5 banner was given out. Centennial's grade 5 team were the proud winners of this newly introduced banner! It was a short training season for this year's athletes and they performed well and were encouraging, positive athletes.
Manitoba Marathon
After Spring Break, we start a running club, the goal of which is to prepare students to compete in the Manitoba Marathon. Each year we have students and teachers running the 5 km Super Run and the 10 km run. Sometimes we have kids competing in the relay and we have had teachers run in both the half marathon and full marathon.